


We are not indifferent to the environment where we live and do business. Therefore, we consistently evaluate our existing activities and development projects in terms of their environmental impacts.

We have set three fundamental areas of activity in terms of the environmental policy and development strategy:

  • Reducing the quantity of plastic waste by systematically reducing the material intensity and reject rate of our products
  • Systematically searching for opportunities to reuse our waste as recycled material
  • Checking and monitoring emissions far beyond the scope of legislative requirements

Under the EMS in place, the environmental impacts of our activities were identified and a register of environmental aspects was created and is continuously updated in line with the requirements of the ISO 1400 standard.

All environmental aspects are reviewed under monthly meetings in terms of their severity, with the most serious of them addressed by specific action plans.

Documented management and continuous improvement procedures are developed and consistently applied for the management of all environmental aspects identified.
